I think SpamSieve may have just BURNED me REALLY badly. 🤬

The home button has been gone long enough. It’s time for a toggle to hide this bar. 📱―

I have never eaten “plant based chicken”. Very curious to see what it is like!

My Top 5 Social Networks Right Now

  1. Micro.blog

Love seeing Coffee Pot Games Stickers in the wild! 😀👍

I think we are all done with 2020 taxes now..

I applied to a job at Panic! 😱

I would be honored to work with such amazing people!

if you happen to know anyone who works there, feel free to sneak in a good word. 😉

Screw it, it’s burrito night now! Let’s do this!

Can’t remember that great Media Corner pick you heard when listening to @HemisphericViews?

Fear not!

Go to http://hemisphericviews.com/mediacornerpicks to get links to them all. PLUS, a direct link to the portion of the audio where we talk about them. 🎙

Finally got the last thing migrated out of Notion. It was an ugly spreadhseet in there, and now it’s much better looking! Games Status 🎮

Submitting tax docs today!

I sure hope your Monday is off to a better start than mine. ☕️ 😵‍💫

Tried finding my old Angelfire site from ~1998 on the wayback machine. No luck. 😟

Network Firmware Update Day! 👨‍💻 🤞

Ubiquiti Amplifi ALIEN » 3.5.0
Ubiquiti Amplifi ALIEN Mesh Point » 3.5.0
Ubiquiti USW-24-G2 »

Movie Night: Hot Fuzz 🎥🍿

Looks like I have another link to add to Escaping The Amazon..

Want to borrow that e-book from the library? Sorry, Amazon won’t let you.

Just Finished Reading 📚

The Design of Everyday Things
By Donald A. Norman

Every once in a while I did notice some weird battery drain issue re: AirPods Max. The new 3C39 firmware does seem to have fixed it for me. 👍🎧

Shaun of the Dead. 🎥 🧟‍♀️

One of my favorite days, @HemisphericViews Podcast day! Episode 022! 🎉

Have you ever had a Performance Review? @Canion and @Martinfeld have! 😂

Also, did you know there is such a thing as “Perthonalities”? You will soon!

Check it out! listen.hemisphericviews.com/022

The @HemisphericViews NFT is OUT OF CONTROL!! 😱 💸

Camera cluster on the back of my iPhone: Used 100+ times a day!

Camera cluster on the back of my iPad: Never has been used…

Remember back at the beginning of 2020 when I bought an 11” iPad Pro to replace my 12.9” iPad Pro so it would be more portable for taking out of the house. 😂

I think I have completed the quest! Escaping the Amazon

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson ( R ) signed a bill into law Tuesday banning almost all abortions in the state, except for when a pregnant person’s life is in danger.

Arkansas Gov, eat shit.