It does seem pretty bullshit that blocking the tracker breaks downloading of certain podcasts.. 🎙

I wanted a vaccine for the last year! I never thought about there being a decision to make as to which one to get? Well, here we are! 💉

Derek Chauvin found guilty of all 3 charges in George Floyd’s death

Hey Siri, subscribe to @HemisphericViews!

🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡

See you all in an hour or so!

Are gas powered leaf blowers illegal yet???

Waiting for the event like

 🐱

Spring! 

Can Confirm, having the backups (note snapshots) in Craft is FANTASTIC. Just got back some work that I screwed up. 👍

Seems you can’t even view stuff from people on instagram without an account now? Cool story.

Sunday update on the 1000 Words Project 📷
Total words collected so far: 36!

I am not “good” at Pokémon, but with help from @alcedine I am going to beat Pokémon Let’s Go. Finally! 🎮

Beautiful Day! 🏖

Streaming Wonderbox! 🎮

Thursday night streaming! 🎮

New Coffee! ☕️

Doing some siding work today since the weather is so nice this week! 🏡

Look how cool @ericmwalk looks today! 😀 covid immune high five

Amazon Prime now has over 200 million subscribers

As of this friday, it will officially be 199,999,999! 👍 ❌

Streaming Wonderbox! 🎮

User created levels today!

I published my first Wonderbox Level! 🎮 🎉

Photos Memories: Belize — 2012 📷

Belize — 2012

What to stream tonight.. 🎮 🤔