Oh hi there! 👋

Do you drink La Croix waters? What’s your favorite flavor? 💧

Paint chips.

I am having a heck of a time keeping up these days. ☹️ I can’t go back far enough to catch up. Double ☹️.

Run Log Update
Calendar Week: 32

Total Miles
This Week: 10.31
This Year: 192.57


  • Very solid week!
  • 77% complete.
  • 61% through the year.

Goal For 2018: 250 Miles 🏃‍♂️

I can’t believe it! Cookie is 3 now!? 🐱❤️

Have a great weekend everyone! 🎉😃🍻

I just posted Micro.blog “Responses” and am wondering what your thoughts are? We have talked a lot about Favorites, Likes, and so forth. cc: @manton @macgenie

(It’s a first draft)

Micro.blog "Responses"

@alcedine and I were talking about how favorites work on micro.blog (it really should have been a podcast episode!) and we were throwing around some of the following ideas regarding “likes, favorites, etc” and how they could work on micro.blog that would allow them to be effective communication tools and not fall into the zombie popularity issue that they are on other platforms.

What if it worked something like this?

You have two options:

  1. Active public participation through text reply.
  2. Active private participation through “microsponse” (micro response). *groan at that name, right!? You can select a mood/feeling for a given post you are reading. Each post you interact with can be seen by you in your timeline. [See Diagram 1 Below]

Given the two options above:

  1. You receive a notification in your “mentions” tab that a specific person has replied to one of your posts with a text response.
  2. In a side feed under your mentions, you see a running list of all “microsponses” you have received. [See Diagram 2 Below]

This type of setup allows for rich interactive discussions on micro.blog posts when wanted or necessary, but also allows for positive feedback to users when posting may not specifically require a full-text response.

The system allows for a 1-to-1 relationship with the “microsponse” so there are no popularity contests. Only the user leaving a “microsponse” knows what they have responded to, and every poster only knows that a post has received a response but doesn’t necessarily know who sent it, or how many each post has (there is no running dashboard). Each user can see the running list of “microsponses” they have received for an arbitrary amount of time, say 10 days. To the casual observer scrolling through their timeline, all posts appear to be void of any responses (except for public text responses of course).

For the reader it gives another way to provide feedback to users, and also allows the poster to have another avenue of response to the content they are creating.

It’s 10% of a fully realized idea, but it’s making sense to me so far. What do you think? Would you like something like this? Would this be good for the Micro.blog community as a whole? Leave a text reply or microsponse! 😉

*Note: All Microsponse emoji are negotiable of course! These are just placeholder examples.

Diagram 1

Micro blog microsponses

Diagram 2

Micro blog microsponses

Blast From The Past

Podcast Friday: Twenty Thousand Hertz 🎙 

“The stories behind the world’s most recognizable and interesting sounds.”

TTH Icon

oooooooooooo! What’s new!? 😀

Don’t mind me, just filing a radar. On my TV. 🤣

📧 Email

Mail Pilot
Mail.app ✅

🔄 @kaa For yourself micro.kaa.bz

the truth of the matter is that you’re actually writing these things and obsessing about it’s design primarily and sometimes exclusively for yourself.

Don’t forget about the m.b meetup today in Minneapolis, MN! Micro.Meetup

ALSO: The iCal feed now covers ALL meetups now. Subscribe on the Micro.Meetup page and always be up to date on meetups! 📆

The auto start/stop workout feature in watchOS 5 is really great! ⌚️

Discover Page Updated!

Hey all, finally caught up on the Discover page updates! Should be 100% now. Thanks and enjoy! 😃

Added to Production

  • Baseball
  • Breakfast
  • Travel
  • Pizza

Added to Suggestions

  • Sports/Cricket

micro.blog is such a source of joy! 😀

I just changed the game!!! 😀

Camping Trip To Mammoth 🔥💨 🏕

Drive To Mammoth
We set out for Mammoth Lakes on Thursday to go camping and check out the Bluesapalooza festival. The drive out there was initially going to take ~5.0 hours, but due to the fires, the main route was closed down, so we have to detour a bit, making it ~6.6 hours. On the way up we stopped for a break and some lunch in Jamestown. The smoke in the air was substantial as we got around the north side of Yosemite.
IMG 0747IMG 0757

Camping was a lot of fun! We stayed at Camp High Sierra for all four days. We don’t get out camping very often, but every time we do I thoroughly enjoy myself and find it to be a great way to unwind from the chaos of the city. We also went on some great hikes! Really the only downside was the sheer amount of smoke that was in the air continuously.
IMG 0764 Festival
The main reason we went up there was to hang out with family and attend the Bluesapalooza Beer Festival. Blues isn’t what I would think of first when it comes to music I listen to, but the music was great, and the festival was a fun time with everyone there. The festival also has a beer tasting component with around 40 different brewers represented.
IMG 0781

Drive To Home
The drive back home got a lot longer with the first detour we took on the way up now being closed as well due to fire. This meant an even more extended detour on the way back home. Fortunately, we left in the first half of the day, so we were able to make it back home by a reasonable hour.

Camping, Bluesapalooza, and hanging out with family was great! I am definitely also looking forward to our next camping trip, maybe we can squeeze one more in this year.

More Photos from the trip

IMG 0841

Great new Castro feature! I guess I don’t need a HuffDuffer feed anymore..

💻 macOS PB5 🎉

Run Log Update
Calendar Week: 31

Total Miles
This Week: 3.35 This Year: 182.26


  • 73% complete.
  • 60% through the year.

Goal For 2018: 250 Miles 🏃‍♂️

📱 DevBeta6 🎉