It’s been three or four months since I actively used Twitter. I have been cross-posting everything from over to Twitter, so it looks like I have been. This is a problem. I am sending things into the system, but there is no way for information to find its way back to me. This isn’t really fair to anyone, is it?
If it weren’t for the 10 years of history with Twitter, the account would have been closed already. I guess I am just nostalgic for the Twitter of 2008.
So what do I do!?
Feedbin is my first tactic. If they have a blog/website I have added their RSS feed. For those who do not, Feedbin has a feature that lets you add people’s twitter feeds so I can at least see what they’re up to since they are not on (yet). I also downloaded an archive of all my tweets and hosted them at I don’t want them all imported into and I see it as an excellent way to close that book and start a new one.
I can confirm that the last few months without twitter has been mentally refreshing. My interactions and conversations on have been thoughtful and engaging. This is just a really great group of people that all want similar things from the indie web. Where twitter mostly involved liking, retweeting, blocking, and filtering; for me has been reading, discussing, photos, and learning.
This blog post isn’t really meant to make a case for why you should leave twitter, but rather an affirmation that it’s ok for me to let go.